Arkansas has extreme temperature variations. Part of the year when we step outside we feel as if we are in the equatorial jungle & then at the other extreme we have a few nights where it is so blistery cold, we feel as if we are going to freeze to death. Here at the Hope ConneXion Outreach Center we strive to keep our more vulnerable neighbors a bit safer in temperature extremes. In the summer we open as a cooling center in the days (when needed) and in the winter we open as a warming center for those who are less fortunate.
Cooling Center Hours of OperationWe open when heat index temps are forecast to go over 100°F
10am - 5:45pm daily |
Warming Center Hours of OperationWe open when temps are forecast to go below 10°F
7pm - 7am nightly |
What is a Cooling Center?Cooling centers are place where you can cool down during hot weather. Cooling centers include indoor air-conditioned facilities such as our Outreach, library's, senior centers, schools, and malls.
Why is spending time in air-conditioned places important?
Spending at least a few hours in air conditioning each day can help reduce the risk of heat-related illness, particularly during multiple days of extreme heat. Air-conditioning is especially important for vulnerable groups of people, such as older adults, children, and people with certain health conditions.
What is heat-related illness?
Heat related illness occurs when the body is unable to cool itself. The most common heat-related illness are heat stroke (sun stroke), heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat rash. Please see the image from the CDC on this page.
How do I prevent heat related illness?
What is a Warming CenterA warming center is a safe, nighttime, type of emergency shelter that operates when temperatures in an area become dangerously low, serving stranded travelers, displaced renters and homeowners, and unsheltered homeless people. Some just are there to warm up, and some spend the entire night.
What about during the day?The Hope ConneXion Outreach is open daily Tuesday through Saturday from 10am to 6pm. In extreme daily low's we may, depending on the decision of the director staff, open up on off days.
What are winter weather based injuries / illness?Hypothermia (abnormally low body temperature) and frostbite are both dangerous conditions that can happen when a person is exposed to extremely cold temperatures. Stay safe this winter by learning more about hypothermia and frostbite, including who is most at risk, signs and symptoms, and what to do if someone develops hypothermia or frostbite.
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