Our Mission
We are here to assist the sojourners, who are leaving incarceration, reintegrate into the community of Hope, AR. Also, we are here to serve those who live in the margins in our surrounding neighborhoods; this is accomplished by providing food for the hungry, clothes for the naked, water for the thirsty, and healing for the addicted and afflicted. We attempt to address the wholistic needs of those who enter our doors and in the community at large.
The Hope ConneXion Outreach Center is a fantastic & flexible space that used to be the Abstract and Title building in Hope, AR. In September of 2020, at the height of the pandemic, the Hope ConneXion Church of the Nazarene wanted to take a step out in faith and instead of buying or building a traditional church building, they felt called to purchase a place that was designed for the sojourners of the world, instead of a space that is designed to serve the congregation. The building has many large spaces for Bible study's, worship, it also has plenty of office space, for both the director and pastoral staff of the Hope ConneXion.
What's really awesome is the building has a fully functional (albeit tiny) kitchen to feed, a 3/4 bath so people can get showers, good storage to house our Blessin' Box food Pantry & our Adults Clothing Closet. The building even came with a fireproof strong room that we have turned into our Learning Center that we Can Bless the community with! Everything... is and will be designed not for 'church use', but to service the community that surrounds us. Yes the congregation of the HCCOTN meets here, but now we can do so much more in our community! Thank God for placing this place in our path that we may serve God's wayword sojourners and children! May God's will be our resolve! |
This is a Video Walk-thru with Director Adam describing the vision for our new space! |
Services that We Offer!
Current Offerings
From the Beginning to NOW!Coming Soon